In the DME “Actual Values” section, you have these camshaft values noted in degrees of Crankshaft rotation:
Actual (What the camshaft timing is BUT remember that this is an adapted value, not raw data).
Nominal (What it should be, which should be 0°).
Deviation (How far off it is from the Nominal specification).
Here is my sliding scale for camshaft deviation valves in relation to ANY IMS repairs:
0° - 3.0° is great and there are no issues, proceed with repairs.
3.5° - 4.0° is okay but not preferred, keep a close eye open for any other issues.
4.5° is pretty high and the engine should be scrutinized closely before any repairs performed.
5.0° and up is too high, NO IMS repairs should be performed without rectifying the camshaft deviation issue(s).
I prefer the camshaft deviation numbers to be as close to 0° as possible.
Camshaft deviations should not exceed 4.5° period.
Now, please remember, that this is only one small portion of the IMS prequalification process. There are many other factors such as:
-Owner attitude and willingness to work with you.
-Overall vehicle mileage.
-Run complete controller interrogation (Check for any Fault codes, Engine over-revs & Camshaft deviation- #’s, OBD-II ready status, Average Miles per hour, Etc…).
-Are there any pre-existing issues requiring repair, which would disqualify this engine?
-Perform Manometer test (value should be 4.0” – 6.0” H2O).
-Check over car, condition of complete vehicle.
-Cold start sounds of engine, listen for any chain rattle or other noises.
-Any metal (ferrous or nonferrous), plastic (black or brown) and or rubber debris in the engine sump plate.
-Any metal (ferrous or nonferrous), plastic (black or brown) and or rubber debris in the engine oil filter.